Why connection matters

In a study in 2022, Britain ranks bottom in Europe for nature connectedness.


Out of 14 nations surveyed, UK citizens measured lowest for their oneness with the natural world ‘nature connectedness’ and wellbeing. Also countries with a high level of smartphone ownership were strongly associated with a more distant relationship to nature. 

Green Hat workshops give you the time and permission to put all that to one side and truly connect. The evidence tells us that it doesn't have to be for long - so for those of us with our heads down, and doom scrolling - we only need to step away for a little while! Crucially the evidence also tells us that  people with a high level of nature connectedness enjoy better mental health and are more likely to act in environmentally friendly ways - simply if we connect with nature we are more likely to protect it. 

Further Reading and Viewing

What is Nature Connectedness? - Watch on Youtube

Connecting with Nature. Getting Started. - Blog by The Tree Sisters

Britain ranks bottom in Europe for nature connectedness - Article by The Guardian

By Fiona


What is forest bathing?


Reading for Ideas and Inspiration