Speaking & more

The Green Hat Company has a wealth of experience addressing different audiences. 

We are available for

  • Guest speaking

  • Media work including TV, radio and podcasts

  • Writing for journals and magazine articles

Wellbeing, Mindfulness, Nature Connection, Creative Change, Shinrin Yoku, Relationships building, Self-awareness, Team development, Learning for growth

Speaking to your people

Past apperances

Mark Leather

  • Boating and a bluemind for wellbeing. Royal Yachting Association National Training Conference. Oxford, UK.

  • Leisure studies, útimenntun, and holistic education: Talking, walking, and playing. University of Iceland. The annual conference of the School of Education, Menntakvika: Research, innovation and development.

  • Paths, Goals and Perspectives of Forest Pedagogy in Italy. 1st Convengo di Pedagogia del Bosco, Milan, Italy.

  • A Critique of Forest Schools: Something Lost in Translation. National Outdoor Education Conference, Hobart, Australia.

Wellbeing, Mindfulness, Nature Connection, Creative Change, Shinrin Yoku, Relationships building, Self-awareness, Team development, Learning for growth

Fiona Carden 

  • Creating Inclusive Cities, Exeter

  • Innovative Learning Spaces Summit, Barcelona

  • Active Citizens: Locally Engaged and Globally Connected. British Council International Conference, Croatia

Wellbeing, Mindfulness, Nature Connection, Creative Change, Shinrin Yoku, Relationships building, Self-awareness, Team development, Learning for growth
Wellbeing, Mindfulness, Nature Connection, Creative Change, Shinrin Yoku, Relationships building, Self-awareness, Team development, Learning for growth

Speak soon?

We would love to discuss your projects and how we can contribute through speaking writing and more.